Hi sis !
They say our hair is our crowning glory . So we need to take good care of it as possible .
So why most men and women has experience sudden hair fall ?
so heres the causes :
Causes of Hair Fall :
Genetic - In women first noticeable sign of hereditary hair loss usually over all thinning or a widening part .
Nutrient Deficiency - wrong diets
Age -Hair growth slow as we age .
Childbirth - Because of stress and hormone changes
Illness - happens because of medication
Hairstyle Pulls on your scalp
Hormonal Imbalance - because of pos or any other disease related to hormones.
Scalp Infection - can lead to scaly sometimes inflamed areas on scalp.
Alopecia strata - this disease develops when body immune system attacked hair follicles.
Some Hair Care Products - because of hazardous ingredients .
How to prevent Hairloss for women :

Supplements -
Nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss . Iron , Zinc, Niacin,Selenium, Vitamin D. and vitamin B-12 supplements can help your body produce hair that strong and healthy . (according to healtlline .)
If your asking me I'm taking Probiotics with B complex ( Provita Probiotics) plus vitamin c
with Zinc,Selenium which is Provita C+
2. Diet
Your diet can have an effrr on Hairloss
Eating Anti oxidant food can help fight the signs of oxidative stress - this is environmental factors hat damage hair follicles :
Examples :
Fruits :
Strawberries - prevents hair loss
Blueberries - stimulates hair growth
Guava - prevents breakage
Peach - keep scalp healthy
Limes - stimulate hair growth
Banana - strengthens hair
apple - volumes hair growth
papaya - reduces hair thinning
Avocado : Nourishes Hair
Grapes - prevents hair loss
pineapple - nourishes hair
apricot - Nourishes hair
Pomegranate- stimulates hair growth
kiwi- prevents early greying
grapefruit- strengthens hair
plum - keep scalp healthy
mango - keep scalp healthy
cherry - prevents breakage
Dates - strengthens hair
Vegies :
Celery - full of vitamins
Spinach -rich in iron
Carrots - make your hair shiny
Sweet potato - good source of beta carotene
Beans- good source of protein
Soy Beans
All green leafy vegetables .
Oh, I really love fruits , thats why I always eat fruits and veggies every day .
Add up also is we need to eat more protein .Eating adequate protein is important for hair growth because hair follicles are made of mostly protein .A lack of protein in diet has been shown to promote hairloss. Biotin is essential for production of hair protein called keratin.
So be sure to add up protein fruits and veggies in your diet daily.
Just wanna share my Protein Shake everyday. Provita Shape in shake has 20 fermented fruits and veggies plus probiotics. It satisfy my sweet cravings and keep me energetic every day .
Good to know that it may also help me with my hairball because of its ingredients.
Wow! you must try!

When to see a doctor
If your concerned that your hairless goes beyond normal shedding or temporary telogen effluvium, you should speak to your doctor. Hair that's coming outing clumps and leaving bald spots, and hair that growing patches could be symptoms of underlying condition.
Light exercises will do . Remember to exercise to make your body strong not to make your body become stress. Have a rest day and sleep well .
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Love ,
Coach Barbie