I want to talk about a disorder that is not a mental health diagnosis, but it does affect mental health.
About one in 10 women have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), so you probably know someone who has it. It’s a hormonal disorder that impacts women’s bodies in various ways.
PCOS and your mental health
Emotional problems, including anxiety and depression, are common in women with PCOS, but are often overlooked and are therefore left untreated.
Experiencing the symptoms of PCOS can negatively affect your mood, body image, and self-confidence.
Once diagnosed women report varying emotions. Some people experience feelings similar to that of grief – like shock, disbelief, anger, frustration, sadness, numbness. Others might find acceptance quickly.
It is important to keep your mental health in check and seek support if you should ever feel you are not coping because help is available.
What you can do to help your wellbeing
1. Keep an eye on your mental health
It’s important to check in with your mental health regularly, asking yourself how regularly you are:
feeling down, depressed or hopeless
losing interest or pleasure doing everyday things
constantly worrying
feeling nervous, on edge, or anxious.
When you answer often to any of these questions, it’s best to consult your doctor for support. Also, we encourage you to join our PCOS Yoga Class which may help us relieve stress and anxiety that is caused by having PCOS.
2. Have a healthy lifestyle
One of the most effective ways to treat PCOS symptoms is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes being as physically active as possible, eating a nutritious diet, and trying to maintain a healthy weight.
Poor emotional health can make it difficult to look after yourself though, so one of the best things you can do is be aware of the effect your mood has and how it relates to your lifestyle.
Proweightloss Program has a good diet guideline and daily menu plan here, for managing PCOS symptoms as well as examples of physical activities recommended.
3. Support your emotional health
Emotional health and your overall wellbeing can be improved by learning more about PCOS, seeking support and appropriate treatment.
If you live with PCOS, your needs may change throughout your life. Seek support from health professionals, including doctors, psychologists, counselors, and exercise physiologists. It’s also important to seek social support from family, friends, and other women who live with PCOS if you can.
Final thoughts…
In conclusion, it can be seen that PCOS has an impact on our body, physiologically and psychologically. The whole process can be extremely stressful as well and therefore it is important to get a proper diagnosis, educate ourselves and try receiving and providing ourselves the proper support and care we need. If not taken seriously, it can result in depression, anxiety, and other conditions, which are far more complex and take longer for treatment.
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Be guided by Coach Barbie.
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